The colossal guide to social media terms for 2019
2019 is fast approaching, and it won’t be without its fair share of new trends, new technology and new social media terms. So to make sure you’re prepared for whatever it has to offer, we’ve compiled a colossal list of 100 basic definitions that you’ll need to know.

Here’s a list of 100 social media terms you’ll need to know:
1. Algorithm
An ‘algorithm’ is a programmatic rule or set of instructions to be followed by a computer to solve a problem. Social media platforms use algorithms to create personalised timelines for their users.
2. App
An ‘app’ – or application – is a software program designed to perform a specific task, such as a calculator or calendar app. Many social media platforms are available as mobile apps.
3. Augmented reality
‘Augmented reality’ – or AR – is a technology that combines computer-generated images with the user’s reality by superimposing images or text into their view.
4. Avatar
An ‘avatar’ is a basic image that’s used to represent an individual or business online and differs from platform to platform. For example, Twitter uses an egg-shaped image, while LinkedIn uses a human silhouette.
5. B2B
‘B2B’ is short for ‘business-to-business’ and refers to operations that take place between two, or more, businesses. These operations can take place on professional platforms, like LinkedIn, which allows businesses to connect and collaborate.
6. B2C
‘B2C’ is an abbreviation of ‘business-to-consumer’ and refers to operations conducted between a business and its consumers. Businesses and brands have the opportunity to connect directly to their consumers through social media platforms.
For example, a brand can set up their Instagram account to include an online store. This way, consumers don’t need to leave Instagram when they want to purchase something online.
7. Bio
‘Bio’ is short for ‘biography’. It is a piece of text, usually found within a social media user’s profile, that gives a brief introduction of the user.
Your bio will typically contain a succinct summary of the personal information you want to share with others, like your interests, hobbies and likes or dislikes.
8. Blog
A ‘blog’ is an online platform where users, known as ‘bloggers’, regularly write and upload content.
Blogs are usually written as an online journal of the blogger’s experiences, thoughts, interests, etc. Bloggers can be used by brands as influencers on social media.
9. Chat
A ‘chat’ is a conversation that takes place across social media platforms, or online, but specifically by means of a chat interface.
These conversations are normally made up of text but have also come to include Emojis, GIFs and video.
10. Chatbot
A ‘chatbot’ – or bot – is a computer program that can simulate conversations with human users via a chat interface.
11. Clickbait
‘Clickbait’ refers to online content that is written with the intent of tempting users into clicking it. It can be easily spotted as a sensationalist headline that plays on a user’s curiosity.